Week 3

Web pages

https://www.thesitewizard.com/html-tutorial/what-is-html.shtml https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/Getting_started_with_the_web/HTML_basics




It took a few tires and some trial and error to get the visual to appear in my search engine. I actually used the [help] function in the menu bar to find a solution (I sometimes forget that this tool exists):

After following the directions I was finally able to open the web page on my browser:

I learned from Ms. Graham that you can view the HTML source code from any website by going to: [menu bar] View > Developer > View Source. Doing so will open a new tab that looks like this:

{The reason that I focused on web pages today was because I am still thinking about what I want to do regarding a web host…}


Downloaded Atom- a program that supports HTML. CSS, and JavaScript (I need all three to create my web pages)

Spent a lot of time learning about how Atom worked… Just realized that I might not have needed to spend all my time with that.

I might just be able to use the TextEdit application that is already on my Mac…

Research on Web Hosting:


(to be completely honest, even after watching the video I am lost as to what web hosting service I should choose. I think it would be a very bad idea to just jump into it without knowing/understanding more)



https://youtu.be/O_GWbkXIqEY - video playlist. Going to write notes about it: =+=

When you type a URL (uniform resource locator) into your browser you are sending a request to the server that hosts that website. The server processes this and sends an HTML document back to the computer. This turns into a webpage.

HTML- HyperText Markup Language (oldest language of the web (the first web page used a proto HTML)

 HTML provides “tags” (“<>”- open tag “</>”-closing tag) that you can use to annotate plain text- these change the way that the plain text should look like on the web page

 You can link two web pages together using HTML using the <a> (anchor) tag.

CSS- Cascading Style Sheets another language. It defines the look and feel of each HTML element.

Can use the style attribute on an opening HTML tag <strong style=”...”> (not used very often).

Can use CSS declarations within an HTML style element <style>...</style> (only good for a single page)

Can create a CSS file and link it to an HTML document. (preferred method- allows a website to have a consistent look and feel)

JavaScript- another programing language (2 different flavors of this: in the browser {modify HTML documents, network requests, audio/graphics rendering} on the server {manage computer directly, access files} each has a different functionality)

 Inside the browser: can write using the HTML tag <script>...</script> or write it in a dedicated file that you can link to in your HTML document.

SVG- Scalable Vector Graphics. The only vector image format for the web. Two different types of images: a bitmap and a vector.

SVG is a text format written with tags like HTML, can be styled with CSS and script with JavaScript. (you can create animated images)
